List of secret societies in Nigeria

Secret societies have a desire to control different countries over thousands of years. Their popularity is enormous despite their secrecy. What is the list of secret societies of Nigeria? Does Nigeria have a secret organization that runs the country or it's just rumored?

List of secret societies in Nigeria

Why do people create secret societies? What are people ready to do to be a part of a secret society? It might be questions not only for secret societies in Nigeria or Africa but in the whole world? Is it possible that the history that we know today was arranged not by the set of circumstances, but by the arranged plan of a mysterious secret hand that rules the world?

Secret Society List of Nigeria


List of secret societies in Nigeria

First Great Masonic Lodge was created in 1717. The Masonic Lodge is the basic unit of Freemasonry organization. The lodge is created for regular meetings. These meetings can have a ceremonial part to confer a Masonic Degree of one of the presented members.

One of the distinctive characteristics of Freemasonry is their ceremonies and rituals. It`s known that secret societies have their rituals and they are distinctive from one another, but Freemasons pursue special treats in the rituals. The rituals should follow main principles of Freemasonry, like morality, dignity, and freedom.

Grand Lodges can accept any member as long as he/she is free and a person of a good nature. Many famous people in Nigeria, like singers, actors and politics are part of Freemasonry. According to the rules of Freemasonry, a member can reveal that he or she is a participant of Freemasonry Lodge, but he or she can`t reveal the identity of another member.

The Hashshashin

List of secret societies in Nigeria

The Hashshashin is in the secret society list as they had a tremendous power during the middle-ages. It`s a mysterious organization of Muslim assassins that conducted their deeds in the 13th century. This secret organization was formed out from Shia Muslims; they banded together to create a group of assassins who supposed to be protectors of the Utopian Shi`ite state. Their numbers were small, and they could use only guerrilla tactics to protect their community.

They were assassins of extra class and supposedly responsible for killing kings and queens. Some conspire theorists suppose that these famous assassins are still alive and they are amongst people of Nigeria. They still use their secret tactics to prepare most notorious assassinations in the history. They have a purpose – they still desire to create Shia Muslim Utopian world. Assassins take only the best killers into their ranks and provide additional training to the members.

Ordo Templi Orientis

List of secret societies in Nigeria

Mysteria Mystica Maxima is the main manifest of this one of the secret societies in Nigeria. Their occult practices came to the world in the early twelfth century. The group is actively relying on the practices of mysticism and occultism. If a member has a desire to move on the career ladder within the borders of the organization, he or she should acquire a certain level of mystic knowledge. Famous esoteric - Aleister Crowley composed the core philosophy and lore of the group. After his death, the order started to experience serious problems with getting new members.

The twenty-first century provided new ideas to the old occultist groups in the list of secret societies. The members of Ordo Templi Orientis are presented in many countries of the world, like the USA, the UK, France, Nigeria, Egypt, South Africa and other. The mysterious figure of Aleister Crowley keeps the stream of new adepts.

Bilderberg Group

List of secret societies in Nigeria

Bilderberg Group can be not a secret organization as its members are famous bankers and high society representatives from all around the world. Still, they provide their operations under the same veil of mystery as any other occult group. This participant of the list of secret societies in Nigeria started in 1954. Every year the group sends invitations to world leaders, media moguls, captains of industry all around the globe. The core philosophy of the group is resisting to Americanism that was spreading in the world after WWII.

The Bilderberg Group is suspicious due to several reasons:

They never allow press to be presented during the conferenceThey never announce the topics of discussionsThey never provide any information about purposes of their group

Still, all their meetings are highly secured from eyes of everyone. They are not open to the public, and the places of the meeting can be patrolled even by flying jets!

The Knights Templar

List of secret societies in Nigeria

The full name of this one of the secret societies in Nigeria is “The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes, and Malta”. The members of this secret society do not claim the direct legacy from the Templars – one of the most powerful orders in middle-ages. They claim to be an offspring of Masonic Groups.

Still, The Knights Templar clearly follow the ideas of the historical Knights’ order. The members of the organization are participants of the high hierarchy of the society, like politicians, business owners, media people…

The Knights Templar also take symbolism legacy from the Freemasonry group. As they claim, they follow the same philosophy in the ideas of getting new members and symbolic rituals. It means that if a person has a desire to be a part of The Knights Templar, he or she should be free and has a good nature.

The Order of The Golden Dawn

List of secret societies in Nigeria

This personality in our list of secret societies was created by Dr. William Woodman, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, and William Wynn Westcott. All three persons were the participants of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and Freemason order. The core of the philosophy for The Order of The Golden Dawn is taken from Renaissance writing, Freemasons, Ancient Egypt tales, Christian mysticism, Hermeticism, and Qabalah. The main document of the group is known as the Cipher Document.

They follow the ideas of morality, but they have a belief that this morality can be achieved through the mystic rituals. Nevertheless, they highly protect these rituals from the eyes of people. Therefore, their vision of morality can be different from other secret societies in Nigeria. Still, it`s unknown for know what is the real price for a person who desires to enter The Order of The Golden Dawn.

The Black Hand

List of secret societies in Nigeria

This member of the list of the secret societies in Nigeria was created in Serbia in 1912. They followed the ideas of Narodna Adbrona, the organization that had a desire to create a United Slavic Federation across the whole world. In the very beginning of their history, they fought against Austria-Hungary. They also had strong politic connections with Russian Empire and was even financed by it. The actions of the Black Hand led to the WWI and supposedly WWII and Cold War. These cases make The Black Hand one of the most influential secret organization during the twentieth century.

Some conspiracy theorists claim that the offspring of The Black Hand has influential across the world. They follow the ideas of creating the Pan-Slavic world. Nevertheless, they do not have much response from other nations as their claims to the world can be distinguished as the same that had the Nazi Germany during the WWII.

The Knights of the Golden Circle

List of secret societies in Nigeria

The Knights of The Golden Circle started as one of the secret societies during the American Civil War. Their main principles at the very beginning of the creations were to make the slave trade flourish again. Their main efforts at the very beginning were concentrated on the annexation of the Mexico and other parts of Central America. Nevertheless, with the starting of the American Civil War, they switched their direction to from ideas of colonialism to the support of Confederates.

The group did not follow the ideas of mysticism, like other members of the list of the secret organizations in Nigeria. They preferred strict ways in taking their goals, like creating bandit groups to take them seriously.


List of secret societies in Nigeria

The order of Rosicrucian was believed to be the idea of German Protestants in the 1600s. Their main idea was derived from the Christianity ideas and believe in the one true nation that comes from God. It`s believed that Nazi Germany officers also followed the ideas of this order. Even Adolf Hitler was a potential member. Still, he believed that one true nation of God to rule the world was the German nation.

The Illuminati

List of secret societies in Nigeria

This society gets the golden prize in our list of secret societies in Nigeria. It seems to be the most influential and the most powerful secret cult in the world. If you have a desire to become a member of Illuminati, then you have to pay the blood price. Still, many people are ready to pay this price for the fame, glory, and money that are offered.

Many influential people of Nigeria are members of Illuminati, like Tiwa Savage or T.B. Joshua. All Illuminati have only one idea – is to create a united world that can follow the orders of Illuminati. They do not have any morality in taking the ways of achieving their supreme goal of taking the world.



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